Int. Lebenshilfe-Cup 2018: Leverkusen and Hannover are on board!
This year’s U-19 tournament in Stemwede will be accompanied by the 17. Lebenshilfe-Cup for people with handicaps. With Hannover 96 and Bayer 04 Leverkusen even two Bundesliga clubs send their teams to win the cup. “We’ve had several contact to Bayer Leverkusen during the last years and now it finally worked out” says Julia Vullriede from Lebenshilfe Lübbecke. The group of participants is completed by Lebenshilfe Schaumburg-Weserland (titleholder), Rigtersbleek from the Netherlands, Sportclub Lebenshilfe Berlin and Lebenshilfe Lübbecke which is hosting this event. Similar to last year all teams play each other in the preliminary. The finals will take place on Saturday in Stemwede-Wehdem.
“Inclusion means belonging and taking part in a life in community” says Horst Bohlmann, Head of Lebenshilfe Lübbecke. “Everybody who has ever been to Stemwede feels how exemplary and self-evident this motto is performed by every single person around and within the tournament organization. I know I’m repeating myself, but I feel like inclusion was invented in Stemewede.”